Men and Plastic Surgery by Dr. Ramsey J. Choucair, M.D.
More and more men are shifting their attitudes towards using cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures in order to enhance their physical appearance. The most often requested cosmetic surgery procedures by men are Botox, upper eyelid lifts, suction lipectomy of the flanks /abdomen and neck lifts.
Men represent a greater challenge as they are typically less tolerant of post surgical recovery, sometimes less compliant with instructions and often have unrealistic expectations compared to women.
Despite these important differences, men are increasingly seeking cosmetic surgery and achieving the improvements they desire. Clear communication between the plastic surgeon and male patient is critical to having successful outcomes.
As an example, the recovery from an upper eyelid lift is very brief and virtually pain-free. Most men return to office- type work the next day and despite some mild swelling or bruising are comfortable in social setings within 4 – 5 days.
Of course Botox has been a great benefit to men and women alike as there is no “downtime”, results are gratifying and detect ability rare. Botox allows for men to ” fly under the radar screen” with a significant cosmetic benefit and no stigma of treatment.
Suction lipectomy of the “love handles” or flanks is an outpatient procedure with a 2 – 3 day recovery for office- type work. These genetically programmed fat deposits are usually diet and exercise resistant and permanent reduction is achieved with suction lipectomy. Sports activities may be resumed within 2 – 3 weeks and most men are “bathing suit” ready in 3 weeks.
The neckift may be as simple as suction lipectomy of the fatty deposit beneath the chin with an easy weekend recovery. Other neck lifts may require a small incision beneath the chin to tighten the neck muscle in addition to removing fat.