Over the years, the technique for skin resurfacing has been refined with carefully applied acids or lasers, to facilitate new skin cell production. Skin resurfacing via fruit acid peels, chemical peels, and laser technology has become a popular option for the restoration and rejuvenation of tired, sun-damaged, aged skin. New skin regeneration via skin resurfacing technology has improved by leaps and bounds over the past several years and there are numerous options on the market today for cosmetic and plastic surgeons as well as consumers to choose from.

Here’s how it works. The skin, the body’s largest organ, has a high capacity to regenerate new skin cells. By stripping away top layers of the skin’s surface, the body is signaled to “ramp up” the generation of new skin. This occurs in what is referred to as the basal layer of skin also known as the “nursery” for newly forming skin cells. The newly revealed skin is brought to the surface exhibiting fewer lines, blemishes, smaller pores, and much more even pigment distribution.