The Injectables, aka The “Age Erasers”:
Botox®, Restylane®, Juvéderm™, Kybella®, Sculptra®, Fat Injection and Radiesse®
The term “injectable” is used to encompass an entire realm of products that are being used to essentially “turn back time” – to restore a more youthful appearance to skin, to erase visible signs of stress, etc. They are called “injectables” because they are injected into various sites where both patient and physician desire to see improvement. They may be natural or synthetic products.

Wrinkles and furrows, if not too deep, may be remedied with Botox® Cosmetic Injections. Botox® is purified protein toxin produced by the clostridium bacteria.
Kybella® is the first ever FDA approved injectable that permanently dissolves submental fat, often referred to as chin fat or a double chin. If you are the right candidate, in just 2 to 4 injections, fat is dissolved, ultimately restoring a more defined jaw and neckline.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeons have recognized that by using these injectables, patients may receive almost instant results (within a matter of 7 days) with little downtime. By filling skin depressions or sunken areas, or by relaxing muscles around areas where signs of wrinkles and aging appear, the injectables serve as an alternative for an individual who may not yet need facial rejuvenation through surgery. Injectables can also, however, serve as a way to enhance results obtained though surgery such as in a facelift.